Consulting, Venture Capital, Rollout & Business Advisory ServicesAt S&J Asia-Pacific Ventures Pte. Ltd. (S&J), by leveraging on our strong relationships in the financial, media, research, and corporate worlds, we offer the highest quality of work in a highly personalized and confidential manner in the areas of consulting, venture capital, rollout and business advisory services. ConsultingS&J advise our clients in their strategic management and marketing decisions. We also provide business advisory services to companies as well as assist in their business development, internationalization & cost-cutting. Directly or through our affiliates, we source suitable candidates globally for potential partnerships, mergers and acquisitions. We also undertake executive training and recruitment assignments. Venture CapitalWe source funds for startup firms and small businesses with exceptional growth potential. We also provide managerial and technical expertise. Our venture capital investments are into a diverse variety of business interests, such as biotech, hi-tech and information technology. We can transform a business idea with prospects into reality and make entrepreneurial dreams come true. More specifically, we link the entrepreneurs to the investors, and add substantial value in the growth of such a business. We are closely associated with Ventana Capital, Shenzen Venture Capital and Orion Capital. RolloutAt S&J, more than 30 years of substantial experience has been accumulated to bring new companies and new technologies into markets in Asia, Europe and the US. We are closely associated with the international networks of Result Strategy and Prima Consulting. Our clients can benefit from the potential leverage of top-tier personal contacts through our networks. Many of our clients have benefited from our phenomenal contact base. Interim Management S&J is an entrepreneurial company that likes to go in and take an operational responsibility as an example general manager for the establishment of a foreign office or the turn around of a local office or as project manager for a specific project. One condition is that we receive a long term assignment from the company/project owner as well as that we share the value that we create together. Interim management is most suitable in the following situations: turn-around, internationalization, or commercialization of a patent or spin-off. Business Advisory and Fiduciary Services We provide a total package for clients who require discretionary trust and fiduciary services. This includes tax and business advisory services, establishment of Singapore and offshore companies, provision of nominee directors, nominee shareholders and secretaries (including maintenance of statutory registers and filing of returns), full range of corporate secretarial services, company administration services (including opening and operation of bank accounts, safe custody of documents, and provision of correspondence address), accounting services, trade related services (including invoicing and monitoring of receivables).
Trading & MarketingDealers in ArtifactsWe source and sell unique artifacts recovered from shipwrecks in and around the Malaysian waters. These pieces span a period of time from the 12th century to 18th century. We have a fine selection of shipwreck artifacts ranging from small bottles and spoons to bigger bowls. They are exquisite time pieces that can tell an amazing story. Having been untouched for hundreds and hundreds of years, we can now offer some of these pieces of history to you. Microfibre We deal in high end Swedish microfibre products which uses water instead of the traditional chemical detergents. This turns out to be cost-effective, giving spectacular results, increasing productivity and is environmentally friendly |